Happy New Year! We start the new season and the new year with a completely new website. We have been working on the new site for the last 6 months and are proud to present the biggest changes in this post.
New Look and Layout
Our previous site launched in 2004. We made many small style changes over the years, but it felt time for a fresh new look. The color scheme and layout of the site have been updated.
We paid special attention to make mobile friendly. For this reason it is now possible to order products using a drop down menu. We noticed that the bulk order form was sometimes difficult to use or not showing well on mobile devices. The bulk order form is still available through a click a button.
Our selection of women fashion has grown a lot but was sometimes hard to find for buyers. So we made it easier to navigate between categories.
We hope you like the new style and will find your way around the site easily.
Faster Performance
A faster loading website make a more pleasant shopping experience. This was actually our main reason for change the site. We had been working hard to improve the site’s performance in 2021, but quickly learned that starting over would be best.
We made design choices with better performance in mind and added tools to assist in faster load times.
This is still work in progress with some big steps still planned for the next couple of months. But hopefully you will already notice some improvements.
Payment in Other Currencies
Previously we only accepted payment in EUR and USD.
Now payment is accepted in:
- EUR,
- USD,
- GBP,
- CAD,
- SGD,
- AUD,
- NZD,
- HKD,
- RUB,
- JPY,
For all those currencies you can pay by PayPal and card. This will help many of our buyers save on currency exchange rates.
We also opened dedicated bank accounts for most of those currencies, except for HKD, RUB, JPY, THB. The dedicated bank accounts also offer possibilities for significant cost savings on bank fees.
For example: a buyer in Canada can now pay in CAD to our bank account at a Canadian bank. That buyer will save on the currency exchange rates. But they also save on the transaction cost, since domestic transactions are much cheaper (often free) than the international bank transfers.
We strongly recommend our buyers to make good use of the bank transfer payment method, since it will most certainly be much cheaper than PayPal/card payment. Because for PayPal and card payments we still charge a 3.4% fee to cover the transaction cost on our end.
If your country’s currency is not listed on our site, then PayPal (for card and PayPal payments) or your bank (for bank transfer) will convert the currency for you. In those cases we recommend that you choose the EUR currency on our site, select bank transfer and open an account with Wise to make the transaction. We use Wise as well because of their favorable exchange rates and low transaction costs. Sign up for a Wise account through this referral link to get one fee-free transfer of up to 500 GBP.
You can select your currency here:
Fedex Shipping
In 2021 we already started using Fedex for some destinations and for specific cases. Now it is available to all buyers through the website.
Fedex can be quite a bit cheaper than UPS for many destinations, especially for smaller shipments. In principle it should take about the same delivery time as UPS (2-3 days for most destinations). And the service level is also similar.
This additional shipping method is extra relevant because the shipping cost for EMS and Registered Airmail has increased a lot because of extra surcharges (pandemic related).
Below is a price comparison for the different shipping methods:
Domestic shipping within Korea: $5.15 per shipment.At this time the UPS pricing has changed little. But we hope to get a better price offer from UPS in the next couple months.
Buyer Accounts, Order History and Other Impact for Buyers
We are happy to inform you that your wholesale account is still active and can be accessed with the same username and password.
But we did not transfer your order history to the new site.
Also will you find that your cart and wishlist are completely empty.
Subscriptions for new release alerts have been removed. You can set them up again. Here is how: link
Finally, you will see that we did not transfer all products to the new site. Only the most recent releases are available at this time. Older releases were mostly sold out anyways. We will now be adding new Spring 2022 to our site every business day.
You can send us a message when you wish to get access to your order history or older products. We will try to assist you then.
Work in Progress
We will keep working on the site in 2022. We hope to make it faster and add more tools to make it easier to use.
Please let us know when you have specific wishes for our site.
And despite extensive testing, you might spot some mistakes or have unexpected issues with the site. Hopefully there won’t be too many problems, but please report them so that we can resolve them.